When using Derm

The brand of Derm I use is called Recovery

If you were not given a second piece of Derm, leave on up to 5 days then follow steps 2-4, Then apply a water based lotion as needed.

Examples of water based lotions: Aveeno, Lubriderm, Eucerin (non scented/no dyes)

If you were given a second piece of Derm, follow steps 1-6.

Step 1: 1st piece of Derm will remain on 12-24 hours (plasma and ink will fill up in the Derm, this is normal.

Step 2: After 12-24 hours remove your first piece of Derm in the shower, run the tattoo under warm water and peel the Derm away from your skin slowly

Step 3: Wash tattoo with warm water and liquid gold dial soap (use your hand, DO NOT use a loofah or washcloth)

  • Once Derm has been removed, skin flakes and peeling will be normal. 

  • Only reasons to remove the Derm early: leaking, torn open, peeling of derm reveals a portion of the tattoo, or in rare instances redness around the edge of the derm and small red bumps underneath the derm (this is caused by a skin allergy, excessive sweat and movement or left over soaps on skin reacting with Derm adhesive) -do not confuse this with normal redness/swelling on the tattoo itself, which will last a few days after getting tattooed, if it gets worse past a few days then remove the derm.

  • -If this happens, remove derm immediately, wash with antibacterial soap, and use aquaphor for 1-2 days 2xs a day then switch to a water based lotion. 

DO NOT HESITATE to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding the healing process of your tattoo. I would much rather you ask me than google or message a friend. I worked on your tattoo so I know what I did while working on your piece.

Step 4: Pat dry with a clean paper towel to remove extra moisture (DO NOT use a washcloth or towel)

Step 5: Apply a new piece of Derm. Allow 1-2inches of extra Derm around the tattoo. Air bubbles are okay/normal

Step 6: Leave on up to 5 days (total of 6-7 days with both pieces of Derm) 

Step 7: Repeat steps 3-5 after 5 days 


The brand I recommend is Tattoo Numbing Cream Co.


1.Wash the area you are getting tattooed in the shower, use warm/hot water and exfoliate and or shave the area to open up the pores. Be careful not to cut yourself shaving(shaving isn’t necessary)

2. Dry the area with a clean towel or paper towel, then apply the numbing cream (DO NOT RUB IN) pat onto area to create a 1/4 inch layer of the ointment on it.

-Helpful tip is to do this with gloves on. If you cannot get or do not have gloves be sure to wash your hands immediately after apply and do not touch sensitive parts of your body.

3.Tightly wrap the area in plastic wrap

4.Let sit for 90 minutes (you can leave the wrap on right up until tattooing occurs) I can take the plastic wrap off and clean the area. It helps to leave it on right before we start tattooing to ensure it doesn’t wear of too soon.


It is helpful to do a test spot on your body. PLEASE DO NOT DO A TEST SPOT ON THE AREA YOU WANT TO GET TATTOOED INCASE OF NEGATIVE EFFECT. It is good to test the area to see if it will work at all or if you will have an allergic reaction.

Normal reactions are: redness & tingling sensations

NOT NORMAL REACTIONS: Excessive tingling, hives, itching, nausea, fever, physical pain in or around the area, and irregular heartbeat. If you experience these symptoms please contact a doctor or go to the emergency room.


You want a good amount on the area but it is possible to use too much. You can get lidocaine poisining, become sick or even be hospitalized from using too much lidocaine. It can be absorbed into the skin and remain in the system for a while and if you use too much it can be dangerous!!!!

The proper amount do use can vary based on the size of the tattoo as well as your body weight. I do not reccoment using a whole 1 or 3 oz. tube per session (depending on what you are getting and your body weight). There is a certain amount of lidocaine that can be used per lb of body weight. So be sure to NOT USE TOO MUCH!

Everyone absorbs/metabolizes lidocaine differently. Some people it doesn't work at all and others it can work up to 3 hours. So keep this in mind when using numbing cream.

For more info on Lidocaine or numbing creams please visit Tattoo Numbing Cream Co. website or contact your doctor/dermatologist.

I am not a medical professional.